YES. Done with semester one at law school, think it went well, guess I'll know for sure when i get my grades. Went out for the first time this semester to meet up with kids from school, was fun, had a good time at the bar. Chipotle for dinner, so good!
Wow, Zeus was just pooping and I had to de-attach one of his poops from a hair he digested (thanks for that one josie!). Well, that was exciting. No night is complete until you've de-attached dog poop from a dog's butt. Yea, so good. Oh he's pooping again, better go get that! That dog knows how to poop.
Anyways, bout to play some Assassin's Creed 2, Reub got it for me for my b-day, thanks bro. Can't wait for that. Oh crap, how the heck did Zeus get hold of one of Josie's socks? Once again, he's chewing on some clothes, what a crazy pup. Alrighty go time, this game looks nassstyyy
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